Speech of Fire is a professional theatre duo based in London (formerly based in Seoul, South Korea), that offers acting classes and stages small, intimate performances that can tour and be remounted in various locations. We specialize in teaching and performing Shakespeare, while also exploring other published plays and new works.
We believe that high-quality theatre, actively experienced in the context of performances and classes, is important to our communities; to fostering human connections; to counteracting the effects of the "loneliness epidemic;" to developing empathy and interpersonal skills; to helping people learn to recognize and articulate complex feelings and express deep emotions; to encouraging independent thought; and to helping people explore multiple perspectives, experience situations outside of their own lived experiences, and find strength in the realization that their own human experiences have been shared by others.
We believe that experiencing Shakespeare is for everyone, not just through a cerebral, literary experience, but from an embodied experience, exploring the muscularity of Shakespeare through deep engagement with the text. It is about the intersection between Shakespeare and you (the actor, audience member, or learner), and the richness of Shakespeare's material means that there are endless discoveries to be made, making it rewarding as a long-term exploration. Everyone who wants to should be able to experience Shakespeare, not just in audience seats, but through their own bodies, voices, minds, and souls.
We are committed to the belief that theatre educates us intellectually, emotionally, and socially; that theatre can be the center of a community; and that theatre can revitalize communities by stimulating local economies, inspiring people, and bringing people together through common goals and shared experiences.
Speech of Fire aims to create great performances, to connect to the audiences in our communities, to foster through performances and workshops true human connections in an increasingly digital and isolating age, and to honour that great thing which makes us human--the flourishing of ideas through the creation of art.
Shakespeare enlivens the mind and deepens the soul.
Some influences and resources:
Speech of Fire
Founding Co-Artistic Directors
Lauren Ash-Morgan (she/her)​
Actor, Director, Producer, Shakespeare Text Coach, Designer, Movement and Ensemble Coach
Artistic Director & Producer of Seoul Shakespeare Company (SSC) 2014-2019
Leading actor with SSC 2011-2019
Board Member of SSC 2011-2019
Costume Designer of SSC 2015-2019
Text coach for SSC 2016-2019
Music Director, Composer, and Sound Designer of SSC 2016-2019
Stage Director and Lighting Designer for SSC (King Lear) 2019
Movement and Ensemble Coach with SSC 2019
Instructor, acting workshops for the public, SSC/Speech of Fire, 2016-2019
Michael Downey (he/him)​
Actor, Director, Playwright, Dramaturg,
Shakespeare Text Coach, Voice Coach
Stage Director for Seoul Shakespeare Company (SSC) 2016-2019
Writer and Performer of The Orderly (solo show)
Leading actor with SSC 2010-2019
Board Member of SSC 2011-2019
Text coach for SSC 2016-2019
Vocal coach with SSC 2019
Co-Founder of The Rebel Alliance Theatre Company
Winner of the 2007 SmackBang PlayRight Award
Instructor, acting workshops for the public, SSC/Speech of Fire, 2016-2019